
For related articles, click:
    Source: Deaf-L page in Yahoo! Groups
    More information: Deaf-L page in Yahoo! Groups
    Post message: [email protected]
    Subscribe: [email protected]
    Unsubscribe: [email protected]
    List owner: [email protected] (forwarded to Mike Yared)
    DEAF-L FAQ Maintainer: Omer Zak
Last update date: 
2005 Nov 26
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The DEAF-L mailing list was moved

The original DEAF-L mailing list, which was opened several years ago by Roy Miller in Southern Illinois University, was closed at October 2004 because of Roy Miller's retirement from the university.

Fortunately, two and half years earlier, Mike Yared opened another mailing list having the same name in Yahoo Groups!. When Roy Miller closed his mailing list, subscribers and traffic switched to Mike Yared's mailing list.

Source: Deaf-L page in Yahoo! Groups

See also: Making DEAF-L an effective and useful list.

More information: Deaf-L page in Yahoo! Groups
Post message: [email protected]
Subscribe: [email protected]
Unsubscribe: [email protected]
List owner: [email protected] (forwarded to Mike Yared)
DEAF-L FAQ Maintainer: Omer Zak

How to unsubscribe from DEAF-L

Anyone who is subscribed to DEAF-L can unsubscibe from the list themselves at any time. One does not need to send a message to either the moderator or to the list itself asking for someone to unsubscribe him. Rather, the procedure for signing off DEAF-L is the standard procedure for signing off any Yahoo Groups! mailing list:

One simply sends an empty E-mail message to [email protected].

Last update date: 
2006 Jan 8
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Manifest of Purpose

The DEAF-L discussion list does not have as many Frequently Asked Questions as Frequently Argued-about Topics. Therefore, the DEAF-INFO Web Site is set up not only to answer frequently-asked questions, but also to summarize points which had already arisen during arguments. The hope is that the next time the same subject is argued again, the sides to the argument will at least bring forth fresh new points instead of rehashing again and again the same points.

The DEAF-INFO Web Site has also the secondary purpose of educating the general Internet population about dealing with hearing impairment. For this purpose, it contains also several documents with factual information about various aspects related to deafness.

Even more information can be located by following links to other WWW pages and contacting organizations.

To learn about deafness, you should not only contact organizations serving the following:

  • Parents of hearing impaired babies.
  • Adult hearing impaired persons.
  • People who got deafened at old age.

but also browse the summaries of discussions in the controversial issues part. This part can help parents of newly-diagnosed deaf babies also in making better evaluation of the advice, which they get from professionals and from non-professional hearing-impaired persons in their geographical area.

The DEAF-INFO Web Site is never complete. All of you are most welcome to point out inaccuracies, misrepresentations, awkward expressions; and to contribute better answers. If you volunteer to summarize discussions on certain topics on DEAF-L and forward me those summaries, the summaries will be accepted with gratitude.

Finally, if you believe that the material in the DEAF-INFO Web Site is not balanced with respect to a controversial issue, it'll be useless and profitless to flame me. Contribute an article explaining your point of view instead!

E-mail your contributions to Omer Zak and add a statement authorizing Omer to put your contribution on the DEAF-INFO Web Site.

Last update date: 
2005 Dec 1