Self Esteem

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A column from Jack Levesque, DCARA News, May 1991, Jack's Corner DO WE HATE HEARING PEOPLE? by Jack Levesque "Why do deaf people hate hearing people?" a hearing person recently asked me.
Last update date: 
1996 Jan 3
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(The following article was contributed by Angelique N Wahlstedt at 3 Oct 1994.)
Last update date: 
2005 Nov 29
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The following article (contributed by Fox Hardy at 9 Dec 1995) is an account of the feelings of an hearing impaired person who did not find his place in the world. This account is made available in order to make people aware of the fact that even if an hearing impaired person is "oral success", his difficulties are not yet over.
Last update date: 
2005 Nov 29
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Introduction All hearing impaired people get discriminated against. This discrimination occurs to varying degrees by different people and organizations. In dealing with discrimination there are few steps:
Last update date: 
1996 Mar 22
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During the 18th International Congress on Education of the Deaf, one of the lectures discussed the subject of self-identity of deaf people.

This article discusses te subject of self-identity of deaf people from the perspective of a participant of the DEAF-L list.

Lecture summary

During the 18th International Congress on Education of the Deaf, the results of a research by Yael Bat-Chava and Kirstin Lindermayer were presented. The researchers found that there are actually four groups of deaf people as follows:

  1. Deaf Power (33% of sample)
  2. Hearing Identity (24% of sample)
  3. Biculturals (34% of sample)
  4. Negatives (9% of sample)

The lecturers also remind us that a person would stay associated with a group as long as the group contributes to him pride in his identity.

Last update date: 
2005 Dec 2