Trilingual CAN SystemDescriptionOmer Zak developed a multi-lingual CAN system. This system runs on a network of personal computers. In this network, one computer ("Display Server" - DS for short) is used to display text by means of a large-screen projector. The display is composite of text entered in several languages. The other computers ("Text Entry Workstation" - TEW for short) are used for entering text. Each computer is used to enter text in its own language. It is possible to assign the same language to several computers, making it easy for typists to take turns typing and relieving each other. The TEWs transmit the typed information to the Display Server over the network. The TEW software supports entry of whole phrases by hitting function keys to which those phrases were assigned. The system (named "Trilingual CAN System") was used in the 4th International Congress of Hard of Hearing People, which was organized by the now-defunct KESHEV, and which was held in Jerusalem, Israel between 9-14 August 1992. Note added at 2005Using modern (circa 2005) state of the art technology, it would be piece of cake to implement such a system. The network would be based upon Ethernet, and the computers would communicate with each other by means of TCP/IP. However, implementing a modern TEW would still be a challenge in MMI (man-machine interface) design. It would also be nice to develop a TEW, which listens to the text in the original lecture's language and partially translate it into another language, to make it easier for the typist to complete the translation. If you are interested in sponsoring the development of a modern multi-lingual CAN system, contact Omer Zak. Last update date: 2005 Oct 23 |
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